The Inexhaustible Supply of Christ’s Riches

     If you haven’t been to the grocery stores in the last few days, I am sure you have seen or heard of the stories. Empty store shelves, shoppers en masse, redirected entries and exits, heightened security, and flared social tensions have now become the norm across our country (and the world!) Although toilet paper appears to have become a luxury item, regular household goods, and non-perishable food items are harder to come buy – especially the items you normally purchase. The bottom line is that demand has exceeded the supply. Then of course there are concerns for hospitals over lack of ventilators, hospital beds, and resources. Will there be enough personnel and resources to handle the influx of infected patients? And of course, at this point there is no proposed cure – no vaccine to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. People, organizations, businesses and governments are becoming increasingly fearful that it will become harder and harder to obtain what they need because the demand is so great and the supply is limited. Naturally, anxiety levels increase. We have mouths to feed, needs to meet, and these difficulties encroach into our everyday lives and conveniences. People resort to seemingly unnecessary hoarding, and fighting and stealing in some cases. Even a Christian, aware that their “Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things” (Matthew 6:32), may feel tempted to rely on similar behavior, initially out of “wisdom’s sake”, and perhaps even out of raw fear. What if the stores run out of everything we need? What if I don’t make it in time to the grocery store before the store restocks or before others? Or, worse still, what if that man in front of me takes the last of that product that I really needed? Will supplies be completely exhausted? Will my family and I survive?

     All of these are very tangible concerns, problems, and scenarios. And God thinks so too. But unlike the now obvious limitations of our modernized culture and 1st-world government, God has no limitations or lack of supplies. His storehouses are not lacking in the least (Malachi 3:10). Consider what Paul tells the Philippian church in chapter four of the same book: “My God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (v. 19).” Paul just finished thanking this church for their generous gift to him that met his “needs once again” and that God considered a “fragrant offering…pleasing to God” (vv. 14-18). Likewise, he assured the church that God will supply all of their needs as well. God’s supplies are based on his riches of glory – riches that are inexhaustible in every sense. The Bible reminds us that God’s riches are so deep that they are “unsearchable” (Romans 11:33-36), and for the Christian based on his immeasurable glory and grace rooted in His character and what Christ has accomplished for us (Ephesians 2:7, 3:8). Every spiritual need is met (Ephesians 1:3), allowing us to reliably depend on our heavenly Father. We can pray with confidence that even our most basic physical needs will be met (“Give us this day or daily bread”, Matthew 6:11), all because of Jesus’ and his sacrifice (Romans 8:31-32)! So, when the world around you despairs over lack of supplies, give thanks to God for the comprehensive fullness of your spiritual blessings and ask, again, for today’s bread. He will provide according to His wise counsel – perhaps not in the way you expect, in the amount you expect, or at the moment you expect but because Jesus secured you access to the Father’s limitless supply of all things, He will provide for your highest good and His glory (Romans 8:29). Receive all that God has given you in Christ with thanksgiving, and in turn like the Philippian church gave gifts to Paul, give to your brothers and sisters as assured children of the Father – offering up to God a “fragrant offering”.

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