Your college years are an important season to instill rhythms that you will sustain through the rest of your life. This first extended period of independence is when habits and character tend to be solidified. Our college ministry goal is to witness students grow in their love for Christ and His Word. To achieve this, we are comitted to:

  1. Fostering Spiritual Growth
  2. Stressing the importance of the Local Church
  3. Building Authentic Community
  4. Emphasizing Growth in Spiritual Knowledge

Weekly Meetings

College Sunday  School - This Spring we are going through the books of Hebrews and Micah
MHBC College Ministry is for young adults from 18 to 24.
In the Fellowship Hall

Discipleship - 
We offer students the chance to meet with us one on one weekly and intentionally go through lessons on the essentials of faith. We have members and leaders who want to intentionally walk with students in discipleship in homes, coffee shops, and over meals. Please reach out if you are interested in starting discipleship with us!

Upcoming Events

We  have a number of luncheons, and game nights scheduled during this semester for our students.  We encourage our students to join us for our Sunday morning college Bible Study at 9:15am, worship in our Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30am, join a community group, and join our adult Wednesday night Bible studies. 



Fostering Spiritual Growth

We strive to equip students to grow, make their life count, and to become more like Jesus in their own spiritual walk. We do this through meaningful worship, discipleship, reading of Scripture, spiritual disciplines, and community. We aim for every student to be more confident in understanding Scripture, to experience transformative growth, and to cultivate a lifelong love for the study of it. 

Stressing the Importance of the Local Church

We firmly believe that the local church serves as a vital support system for sustained spiritual growth. We want to instill in students a sense of belonging and accountability in their local context. We want our students to feel loved by our Church and to exercise their own gifts by serving in it. 

Building Authentic Community

We want our college students to build genuine connections, share life experiences, and form lasting friendships. We strive for students to have authentic community with their college peers and with believers of all ages. To do this, we highly encourage students to join a community group. 

Emphasizing Growth in Spiritual Knowledge

Students and young adults are in this stage of life because they are pursuing further knowledge and experience as they employ, enlist, or enroll in college. We believe that it is also important to grow in your spiritual knowledge while you are growing in your academic and technical knowledge. We want students to know God more fully, be challenged theologically, know more about church history, and be able to address modern problems biblically. 

 Interested in getting to know more about our college ministry? Please fill out this form, and our staff will reach out to you shortly.

Preston Hughes